“Wills” week

We all know its going to happen, nothing is more certain yet we are generally poor at acknowledging it and making provision for its impact. Death is the surest bet in life, only when where and how to be determined for all of us. Its “Wills” week and lawyers around the country are focusing on that and specially the value … Read More

NZ Election season is upon us

The critical factor in NZ is one person one vote and confidentiality. Contrast that with the USA that uses an antiquated 18th century electoral system, complicated enrollment requirements and voting procedures. The NZ system means all votes count and are counted. While not perfect, the perfect system is yet to be invented, the NZ elections are far more equitable and … Read More

Artificial Intelligence in Law

Artificial Intelligence, it’s here and being applied to law. Unfortunately for lawyers, who love time costing, with the introduction of AI, time will largely become irrelevant. The consumer will be looking at law like a commodity and looking for factors that truly differentiate the “good lawyer” from the “bad lawyer”. Bit like buying another commodity, eggs. Who doesn’t open the … Read More


Certainty is a scarce commodity in the new world we live in. Not just locally but globally. From a relatively stable community everything has been knocked off balance and what was a given pre-Covid 19 is now not so. In these times knowing your options is critical. Getting direction from experienced people on what options are viable, to be avoided … Read More